Friends of Marshall Square Park

A Big Success! Our 10th Annual Progressive Dinner

Nearly 100 members of Friends of Marshall Square Park celebrated the 10th and biggest Progressive Dinner on Saturday, February 6, 2016.

Our Events Committee (above) is a big reason for an outstanding success. Everyone gave their all, but committee chair Betsy Woodrow deserves special mention for steering the process.

Treasurer Linda Scott originated FMSP’s Progressive Dinner a decade ago and continues to improve it. Linda says the 10th annual is a financial success. While the numbers aren’t all in, we raised about $9,000 for Marshall Square Park improvements and beautification.

Hats off to our generous hosts* who shared food, drink, their homes and good cheer…
Appetizers—Jeff Beitel and Miriam Coleman
Appetizers—Mike South and Robin DeRogatis
Dinner—Bill and Linda Scott
Dinner—Jerry and Judy Wisneski
Desserts—Tom and Connie McEvoy

On December 24, a mystery person decorates our gazebo with lights! The next morning, they are gone. On that foggy eve, Jim Salvas captured the “miracle” for us to raffle at the last house. The three framed prints, titled Mystery Lights, brought in over $300.

The FMSP event to watch for later this year is the anticipated dedication of our restored fountain! Meanwhile, mark your calendar for next year: The 11th Annual FMSP Progressive Dinner, February 4, 2017.

* With gratitude to our past hosts…
2007 Barton & Vely, Eberts, Gardner & O’Donnell, Cigler & McCoy
2008 Wills, Woodrow, DePhillips, McCann
2009 Trajtenberg, Herrin, Wisneski, McEvoy
2010 Walters, Rodgers, Sweet, Phillips
2011 Kitchen, Voltz, Pastino, Naughton
2012 Lasko, Cody, DePhillips, DelRossi
2013 Rosenberg & Neiblum, Fazio, Soldwich & Szcepaniak, Balassone & Tirk
2014 Miller, Norris (Mike & Cathy), Wallace Varney, Scott (Charles & Sue), Brennan
2015 Veita & Baker, DePhillips, Cornell, Strode, Nelson
2016 South & DeRogatis, Beitel, Scott (Linda & Bill), Wisneski, McEvoy

[Coming soon—an e-blast about Progressive Dinner photos.]