Friends of Marshall Square Park

VOTE for Fountain Approval is THIS WEEK!

Original 1889 Fountain, now in our "Swiss Cottage" waiting restoration.
Original 1889 Fountain, now in our “Swiss Cottage” waiting restoration.

Item 20 on the AGENDA of BOROUGH COUNCIL’s WORK SESSION, Tuesday, OCTOBER 15, 2013

Consider the Parks Recreation & Environmental Protection Committee recommendation to approve proposed Marshall Square Park fountain area improvements subject to fundraising efforts to implement the project.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013— FINAL VOTE.

Please plan to attend at least one of these sessions; it’s exciting to see our work not only accepted by the Borough but also seen as a welcomed addition to our town.

Now, all we have to do is raise the money to pay for it!

FMSP Proposed Fountain Restoration Oct 2013