Only 1 week away, this year’s third (and last this year) Marshall Square Park summer concert is Thursday, August 15, at 6:30 pm. The evening features:
- The Lukens Concert Band
- BirlGirl Designs, Face Painters
- Popular Potluck Picnic by Friends of Marshall Square Park, volunteers improving your park — help wanted 😉
Relish grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, but if you want to join the picnic, please bring your own plate of apps, sides, salads or deserts to share with others. If not food, we’ll accept a small donation to The Jar to help pay for non-donated food and for restoring our long-lost fountain.
Speaking of The Jar, if you haven’t paid your annual dues, an FMSP officer will gladly accept cash or check at the FMSP table near the grill.
$15 Senior/Student
$20 Individual
$25 Family
$50 Organization

Please email [email protected] if you’ll join us and what type of dish you’ll bring. We’ll start setting up tables around 5:30; please bring your dish to kick off the picnic around 6 pm.
Special thanks to MacElree Harvey (our primary sponsor and local legal firm) and Stillman Volvo (this year’s Picnic Sponsor and local Volvo dealership). For the children, Anthony Volk Auto Glass (our local auto glass dealership) sponsors BirlGirl Designs, again bringing the very popular fun Face Painting.
Although hot as Hades at last month’s concert, people came anyway, so stroll over to the gazebo for an evening of music, dancing, conversation and food—and bring cooler, drier weather with you.
As always, bring your blankets or chairs for concert viewing—consider bug repellant too. And the more the merrier, so feel free to invite all your friends and family!
To keep up to date with our concerts, like us at facebook.com/MusicMarshall.