On June 21, 2018, we hope you plan to join your friends and neighbors for good food and music.
Must be 18 or older. No experience required. This is a good entry-level opportunity. 😉 A free Concert with a Band, a Face Painter, Gelato, and a potluck picnic! What’s not to like? Always the third Thursdays of June [21], July [19], and August [16]. We thank our SPONSORS for making this event possible … Main Event Concert Picnic
Get your face painted, then have dessert
RSVP or tell us what you’ll bring by linking to Evite for more details. Please bring your dish around 6 PM. If you will help us setup, take down, coordinate food, grill, or with other chores, please email our picnic coordinator Chantale. Please bring blankets or chairs for concert viewing and please consider bug repellent. The more the merrier, so bring your friends & family, and please share this invitation! Last year’s picnic concerts drew over 300 people. Join us at the gazebo for a great summer evening of music, conversation, food, and dancing. To keep up-to-date with our concerts, like us at Facebook.com/MusicMarshall. |