Only 6 days away, this year’s second Marshall Square Park summer concert is on Thursday, July 18, at 6:30 pm. The evening features:
- John Grecia Band, a piano-driven, 5-member rock band
- BirlGirl Designs, Face Painters
- Popular Potluck Picnic by Friends of Marshall Square Park, volunteers improving your park — help wanted 😉
Grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, and picnic tables await your contribution (apps, sides, desserts, drinks, and donations to the jar at the FMSP table to help pay for the non-donated food and our long-lost fountain (watch the video and notice the fountain’s old glory in the header above).

Please email [email protected] if you’ll join us and what type of dish you’ll bring. We’ll start setting up tables around 5:30; please bring your dish to kick off the picnic around 6 pm.
Special thanks to MacElree Harvey (our primary sponsor and local legal firm), National Penn Bank (this month’s Concert Sponsor and local bank), and Stillman Volvo (this year’s Picnic Sponsor and local Volvo dealership). A huge success, last month’s concert picnic attracted over 300 people—so stroll over to the gazebo for a great summer evening of music, dancing, conversation and food.
For the children, BirlGirl Designs brings fun Face Painting, sponsored by Anthony Volk Glass.
As always, bring your blankets or chairs for concert viewing—consider bug repellant too. And the more the merrier, so feel free to extend the invitation!
To keep up to date with our concerts, like us at