Music at Marshall Concerts.
Only 1 week away, the Music at Marshall July summer concert is Thursday, July 17 at 6:30 pm! The evening features:
- Back2Life
- BirlGirl Designs
- Popular Potluck Picnic by Friends of West Chester Parks & Recreation, Inc. and Friends of Marshall Square Park.
- Some have asked, What’s the deal on the concert picnics? It’s pretty simple: Bring a dish to share and eat for free—or—donate ten bucks and eat for cheap. To join in… email [email protected]. We set up tables around 5:30; bring your dish to kick off the picnic around 6 pm. It’s a lot of fun.
- Our stage, The Gazebo, is empty now, but Back2Life will rock it Thursday!
Stroll over to the gazebo for an evening of music, dancing, conversation, and food—bring blankets or chairs for concert viewing, consider bug repellant too. And the more the merrier, so feel free to invite all your friends and family!
Special thanks to our sponsors Kit Anstey Real Estate Team, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services. Back2Life is sponsored by National Penn Bank and Edward B. Walsh & Associates, Inc.
If you haven’t paid your annual dues, an FMSP officer will gladly accept cash or check at the FMSP table near the grill. OR… to pay online via PayPal or mail a check, go to our Membership page.
$20 Senior 65+
$20 Full-time Student
$30 Individual
$40 Family
$60 Organization
To keep up to date with our concerts, like us at facebook.com/MusicMarshall.
Picnic Photo Album from June 19, 2014