A place to pause, rest, and reflect on the beauty of Marshall Square Park. A lasting gift to the public, to your family, and to yourself.
Crowds of citizens filled Marshall Square and the benches were
occupied all day long. The square now is a beautiful place, the
flowers and plants showing to good advantage.
Daily Local News, June 3, 1889

Sponsored Park Benches – $5,000
The few old concrete and wood benches remaining in Marshall Square Park have deteriorated and need replacing, creating a unique opportunity to sponsor your own park bench.
From Keystone Ridge Designs, the new dark bronze benches have Victorian charm befitting our park’s setting and age. The welded cast aluminum legs with steel slats are commercial-grade construction to last many years.
Sponsors may compose an inscription (50 characters including spaces) for a 10” x 5” bronze plaque that secures to a bench.
Click to enlarge.
Bench Locations
Pending availability, sponsors may specify a bench site from the plan below. Download Plan PDF

Other than bench and installation costs, all proceeds are for the restoration of our historic park fountain.
Make tax-deductible contribution checks payable to…
“Friends of West Chester Parks & Recreation, Inc.”
(an affiliated 501(c)(3) organization)
Note on your check, “FMSP Bench Sponsorship”
Mail contributions to…
PO BOX 3264
WEST CHESTER, PA 19381-3264
Or email our President, Jeff Beitel