Marshall Square Park’s
Fountain Rededication
September 24, 2016, 4 PM
Marshall Square Park
E. Marshall & N. Franklin Streets, West Chester
Free to All

Be there as we celebrate and rededicate our beautiful fountain. Hear the remarkable story of loss, recovery, and restoration. After 65 years, watch the fountain waters spray and rise again. Make history with us.
Meet our new neighbor and prime benefactor, Pat Loew, as we rename the fountain in honor of her late husband, Jack Loew. Like the fountain, Pat’s spectacular renovation of her new home honors its Victorian heritage.
Meet Officers and Committee members who know how it takes a community to plan, design, and accomplish such a lofty endeavor. Honor those who preserved the fountain for decades, those who helped in its recovery, those who sponsor park benches and buy granite coping stones, those who open their homes for fundraising events, dedicated contractors, and Borough leaders for supporting our efforts, and especially neighbors like you who pay dues and give your time.
Thank you everyone. Enjoy the fountain and help us earn the funds to finish our new Gateway to West Chester.
Fountain Milestones
127 Years Ago — Installed and Dedicated in May 1889
65 Years Ago — Removed and Lost
10 Years Ago — Started Planning and Searching
4 Years Ago — Recovered Major Sections
December 16, 2015 — Restored and Reinstalled
July 27, 2016 — Running Daily for the first time in 60 years
September 24, 2016 — REDEDICATION
See a 4-minute video of the recovery & installation (May 2012 and December 2015)
Friends of Marshall Square Park’s annual Members-Only Fall Party starts after the Rededication.
The original Marshall Square Park fountain from 1889. Found in 2012 and restored to its original site on December 16, 2015, where Victorians walked and truly appreciated the fountain’s contribution to their community. |
We’re Excited! FMSP Fountain Committee |