Neighbors & Friends of Marshall Square Park,
Your invitation to our 8th Annual Progressive Plates gathering was mailed—if yours didn’t arrive, please print and use this PDF of our Invitation.
Our beloved winter wine & dine event is Saturday, February 1, 2014, at 6 PM. This year’s format is slightly different from earlier years, with five neighborhood homes hosting three different stops, allowing twice as many members! At 6 PM, we divide into two groups for the first two stops; then the groups rejoin for dessert and a final toast. Please let us know if you wish to be grouped with particular friends. We will respond by January 25 with details.
Please send your Progressive Plates reservation as soon as possible but by January 20… and do not forget to include your annual membership dues—donations are welcome, too. As always, 100% of proceeds pours into our park in one form or another. In 8 years, our volunteer group added trash can enclosures, a park information board, bricks around the gazebo, a restored 1878 original structure known as the Swiss Cottage, and special trees were tagged and mapped.

Now we need funds to restore the original 1889 fountain, FMSP’s biggest and most exciting project.
Again, reserve by January 20, and please send your membership dues, even if we won’t see you there.
Linda Scott Treasurer