Fountain – Friends of Marshall Square Park Sat, 30 May 2020 20:41:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fountain – Friends of Marshall Square Park 32 32 208078127 A Tree Falls in Fountain! Sat, 30 May 2020 20:41:43 +0000

On 5/20/20, a very large limb from a Pin Oak came down in MSP’s fountain area. The fountain itself looks okay; but it’s still off, so cross your fingers. Its top is broken, the bottom tier lost a chunk, the iron fence is damaged, and Lane and Jim’s bench is destroyed.

A Borough crew fired up its giant cherry picker and found that the fallen limb had exposed a rotten trunk. For safety, the crew fell the severely compromised oak, which opened a ???? view of East Marshall Street.

If there are silver linings, the droppings from that tree were causing severe clogging; and the fountain escaped disaster by what seems to be inches!


“What a beautiful park!” with FRIENDS Sat, 18 Apr 2020 07:00:56 +0000 Today, April 16, 2020, I woke up to a bright and sunny morning, although unseasonably cold. The daffodils across the street in the Park are especially vivid these days.

When I ventured out around 10 a.m. to pick the newspaper up off the sidewalk, a car stopped. I looked up, expecting to be asked directions to somewhere. A man gave me a great big smile and said, quite joyfully, “What a beautiful park!” He went on to say he had been out at ChesLen Preserve in Coatesville, and someone told him about the Park!

He remarked about the FRIENDS sign, and I filled him in a little about the tree sculpture, and how calling it FRIENDS is so appropriate for a number of reasons, including the fact that West Chester was started by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and the organization that raises money to improve and maintain the Park is called Friends of Marshall Square Park.

Before he went off, I found out he is from the Malvern area, and he said he has lived there for 30 years and never knew about the Park!

So nice that the word is getting out and all of the time and money invested is giving such enjoyment, and not only to West Chester residents.

~ Linda

[Linda is the FMSP Treasurer]


2017 West Chester Preservation Award goes to our Fountain! Mon, 21 Aug 2017 05:21:00 +0000

We are very happy to announce that our Jack R. Loew Memorial Fountain in Marshall Square Park is the winner of the 2017 West Chester Preservation Award in the Bricks and Mortar category!  Presentation of the award is October 19th, so please hold the date. Check here or Facebook for info as it comes in.

Special congratulations to our stalwart, decade-long project leaders
Jeffrey C. Beitel, AIA
Anne F. Walters, RLA, ASLA, LEED AP

Eternal thanks and gratitude to our Lead Sponsor
Patricia Burton Loew

Congratulations to those who preserved the fountain for decades, those who helped in its recovery, those who sponsor park benches and buy coping stones, those who open their homes for fundraising events, neighbors like you who pay dues and donate your time, dedicated contractors, and Borough leaders for supporting our efforts.

[Click photo to enlarge.]


Night Light Mon, 03 Oct 2016 06:38:00 +0000 Night Light • 9/23/2016

Rededication/Fall Garden Party Mon, 26 Sep 2016 06:19:28 +0000 Fountain Rededication • Photos by Patrick McCoy
Fountain Rededication • Photos by Jim Salvas & Lane Randall
2016 Annual Fall Garden Party • Photos by Jim Salvas

Save the Date! Sat, 10 Sep 2016 07:40:09 +0000 Marshall Square Park’s
Fountain Rededication

September 24, 2016, 4 PM
Marshall Square Park
E. Marshall & N. Franklin Streets
, West Chester
Free to All

Marshall Square Park 1889 Fountain running daily (with lights) for the first time in 60 years
Marshall Square Park 1889 Fountain running daily (with lights) for the first time in 60 years

Be there as we celebrate and rededicate our beautiful fountain. Hear the remarkable story of loss, recovery, and restoration. After 65 years, watch the fountain waters spray and rise again. Make history with us.

Meet our new neighbor and prime benefactor, Pat Loew, as we rename the fountain in honor of her late husband, Jack Loew. Like the fountain, Pat’s spectacular renovation of her new home honors its Victorian heritage.

Meet Officers and Committee members who know how it takes a community to plan, design, and accomplish such a lofty endeavor. Honor those who preserved the fountain for decades, those who helped in its recovery, those who sponsor park benches and buy granite coping stones, those who open their homes for fundraising events, dedicated contractors, and Borough leaders for supporting our efforts, and especially neighbors like you who pay dues and give your time.

Thank you everyone. Enjoy the fountain and help us earn the funds to finish our new Gateway to West Chester.

Fountain Milestones

127 Years Ago — Installed and Dedicated in May 1889
65 Years Ago — Removed and Lost
10 Years Ago — Started Planning and Searching
4 Years Ago — Recovered Major Sections
December 16, 2015 — Restored and Reinstalled
July 27, 2016 — Running Daily for the first time in 60 years
September 24, 2016 — REDEDICATION

See a 4-minute video of the recovery & installation (May 2012 and December 2015)

Friends of Marshall Square Park’s annual Members-Only Fall Party starts after the Rededication.

The original Marshall Square Park fountain from 1889.
Found in 2012 and restored to its original site on December 16, 2015,
where Victorians walked and truly appreciated the fountain’s contribution to their community.
We’re Excited!
FMSP Fountain Committee
Fountain Returning to Standby Mode Sun, 14 Aug 2016 05:58:33 +0000 Last Day: 6am to 11pm, Sunday, August 14, 2016

Until just before its
Rededication on September 24, 2016,
the fountain returns to standby mode for
construction of its surrounding plaza.

In case you haven’t seen it soar, stop by today!

FMSP Fountain July 2016

Fountain at Full Blast with Lights! Thu, 28 Jul 2016 08:54:59 +0000
Marshall Square Park 1889 Fountain running daily (with lights) for the first time in 60 years. 7:30AM to 11PM
Marshall Square Park 1889 Fountain running daily (with lights) for the first time in 60 years. 6AM to 11PM

Until the plaza brickwork begins (within weeks), the fountain is to stay full-on from 6AM to 11PM.

The construction should finish several days before the September 24, 2016, Rededication. Video: Marshall Square Park 1889 Fountain running daily for the first time in 60 years.

Engraving for the first batch of granite coping stones, surrounding the fountain’s new fence, closes next week; so order now. Don’t miss the first batch — the wait is until the second batch makes it practical for the engraver to come on site.

This happened today… Thu, 14 Jul 2016 23:09:36 +0000
July 14, 2016 The Fountain's First Test. Come to the Dedication on 8/24/2016 at 4PM to see it perform full blast for the first time!
July 14, 2016 The Fountain’s First Test. Come to the Dedication on 9/24/2016 at 4PM to see it perform full blast for the first time!

Tom—from our contractor, Pebble Pools—turned on and tested the Marshall Square Park fountain for the first time. With all seven sprays performing, it’s a glorious sight.

Much more work needs doing, like installing the new fence and restoring the surrounding plaza; but it felt so good to see the sprays rising after over 60 years. And for Friends of Marshall Square Park, a giant step in their ten-year labor of love.

To help us finish the project, donate at,

PS  The fountain is in “stand-by” mode so the filters work while waiting for the official Fountain Dedication on September 24, 2016, at 4PM. This free event is open to everyone — bring your family and friends, share on Facebook, call your grandparents!

It’s like 1889 in Marshall Square Park! Thu, 17 Dec 2015 08:53:01 +0000 OUR FOUNTAIN!

See VIDEO below

The original Marshall Square Park fountain from 1889. Found in 2012, and restored to its original site on December 16, 2015, where Victorians walked and truly appreciated the fountain’s contribution to their community. (See “Big News…” under The FOUNTAIN tab.)

Heritage Metalworks of Downingtown arrived with trucks, a van carrying fountain pieces, and three excited men, dedicated to the fountain they restored—in the park they knew as children.


To finish the fountain project, we need funding. Nonetheless, we plan to welcome Spring 2016 with a working fountain and new drifts of 2,000 daffodils donated by Ben & Pete Rotteveel of DutchGrown LLC, 1-800-277-0215.

Friends of Marshall Square Park has the support of our exceptional Borough community, with all monies coming from residents and without using taxes.

You can make your family a permanent part of this project. Just email [email protected] and ask about fountain donation opportunities. Or, visit

Heritage Metalworks of Downingtown’s
Team who restored and installed our fountain.

Heritage Metalworks of Downingtown

Ben Woods, Matt White, and Mike Stitley — The fountain restoration team from Heritage Metalworks of Downingtown. These guys have a lot of pride in their work, and it shows throughout the artifact — an historic fountain they feel honored to restore.

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