Music At Marshall – Friends of Marshall Square Park Thu, 17 Jun 2021 07:00:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Music At Marshall – Friends of Marshall Square Park 32 32 208078127 The Season’s Last… Thu, 17 Jun 2021 07:00:29 +0000

The pandemic cancelled our 2020 concerts, but now it’s time to enjoy music together again in our beautiful park. While we won’t have our usual picnic table, there will be food trucks and you are welcome to bring your own food & drink.

Three of our favorite bands are as eager to be back as we are to have them!

Give them a warm, welcoming hand ????

Sin Brothers • July 1, 2021

John Grecia Band • July 22, 2021

Dirk Quinn Band • August 12, 2021

All three events are on Thursdays at 6:30PM.
Rain Dates are July 8, July 29, and
August 19

To keep up to date with our concerts, like us at

???? OUR WEBMASTER HAS RETIRED after 15 years documenting FMSP’s plans, successes, and showcasing photographers’ beautiful park photos. Anyone want to pick up where she left off? Please email [email protected]

We are very grateful to our Sponsors
whose contributions make these events possible.






Music at Marshall • Last Concert of 2019 • Thursday, August 15 Tue, 13 Aug 2019 07:29:24 +0000

The Tom Craig Band is sponsored Thursday, 8/15, by Meridian Bank, the firm of Unruh Turner Burke & Frees PC Attorneys At Law, and R.C. Construction Services. The potluck picnic starts at 6PM and the music at 6:30. Thank you to all of our sponsors!

RSVP using the Evite Invitation and pick a dish to bring to our popular potluck picnic. We supply the tables, the grill, plates and napkins, hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings and water. See “What to Bring” on the Invitation, and let us know what you are bringing.

If you prefer not to bring a dish, you can participate in the picnic for just a $10 per family cash contribution, payable at FMSP’s donation jar.

To help with setup/teardown or other chores, please email our picnic coordinator at

To keep up to date with our concerts, like us at

And don’t forget our website,, for an in-depth look at Marshall Square Park and FMSP’s plans and successes.


Hear the Dirk Quinn Band at our second 2019 Music at Marshall Mon, 08 Jul 2019 08:13:53 +0000  

The Music at Marshall picnic concert series happens annually on the third Thursday of June, July (July 18, 2019), and August. Our second concert features a newcomer to the gazebo. Dirk Quinn and his jazz/funk, high-energy band starts at 6:30; the picnic gets going at 6PM.

RSVP using the Evite Invitation and pick a dish to bring to our popular potluck picnic. We supply the tables, the grill, plates and napkins, hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings and water. See “What to Bring” on the Invitation, and let us know what you are bringing.

If you prefer not to bring a dish, you can participate in the picnic for just a $10 per family cash contribution, payable at FMSP’s donation jar.

To help with setup/teardown or other chores, please email our picnic coordinator at

To keep up to date with our concerts, like us at

And don’t forget our website,, for an in-depth look at Marshall Square Park and FMSP’s plans and successes.

Help us thank the sponsors of this concert …

Brandywine Valley Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.,
D.L. Howell & Associates, Inc., and
Mike South.

Their contributions make these events possible …

Music at Marshall Picnic Concert Season Begins! Mon, 17 Jun 2019 07:00:39 +0000 The Music at Marshall picnic concert series happens annually on the third Thursday of June, July, and August. The first concert features The Sin Brothers on Thursday, June 20, 2019.

RSVP here to pick a dish to bring to our popular potluck picnic. We supply the tables, the grill, plates and napkins, hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings and water.
See “What to Bring” on Evite Invitation and let us know which you are bringing.

If you prefer not to bring a dish, you can participate in the picnic for just a $10 per family cash contribution, payable at FMSP’s donation jar.

To help with setup/teardown or other chores, please email our picnic coordinator at [email protected].

To keep up to date with our concerts, like us at

And don’t forget our website,, for an in-depth look at Marshall Square Park and FMSP’s plans and successes.

We are grateful to our Sponsors
whose contributions make these events possible …



August 16, 2018 • Last Picnic Concert of the Season! Sun, 05 Aug 2018 22:57:07 +0000 Please join your friends and neighbors for good food and music at the
Season’s LAST Picnic Concert …
Thursday, August 16, 2018, 6 to 8PM

This concert features our hometown favorite band, the …


Hear a few minutes from last year’s concert.

On our Evite Invitation, see “What to Bring” to pick a dish for our popular potluck picnic.

If you prefer not to bring a dish, help yourself for a $10 cash contribution per household, payable in the donation jar on FMSP’s table.

We supply the grill, tables, plates, cutlery, napkins, rolls, hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings, and water. Gemelli offers gelato from their 1948 vintage truck!

If you will help setup/teardown, grill, or other tasks, email our picnic coordinator.

“Thank you” to our

Main Event
Southdown Homes

D.L. Howell & Associates, Inc.

RC Construction

All The Dogs

Face Painter
Pietro’s Prime Steakhouse & Seafood


The Band
Sin Brothers 

ring blankets or chairs for concert viewing, and please consider bug repellent. The more the merrier, so bring your friends & family, and please share this invitation!

Music at Marshall Picnic Concerts happen annually on the third Thursday of June, July, and August. So, after this last concert, mark your calendars for June 20, 2019.

To keep up-to-date with FMSP …
Like us at
Visit our website,


Music at Marshall • July 19, 2018 Mon, 09 Jul 2018 19:28:05 +0000

Please plan to join your friends and neighbors for good food and music.

Music At Marshall • Ken & Mike

Speaking of food, would you help us at the grill? Feeding the masses is rewarding and greatly appreciated! Just ask Michael and Ken.

We need 2-3 volunteers. Must be 18 or older. No experience required/on-the-job training. A good entry-level opportunity.  😉

If you can help, please email our picnic coordinator, Chantale.

Many Thanks to


Main Event
Southdown Homes

Tom Craig BandScreen Shot 2018-07-09 at 2.22.32 PMClick to Hear Tom sing

Brandywine Valley Heating & Air Conditioning
Stillman Volvo


All the Dogs

Face Painter
Pietro’s Prime Steakhouse & Seafood


The Bands
Vince Brown Band (June)
Tom Craig Band
 (July) LISTEN
Sin Brothers (August)

Get your face painted, then have dessert
BirlGirl Designs
Gemelli Gelato

Grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, and picnic tables await your contribution. Choose to bring apps, sides, desserts, drinks, or donate $10 per adult to the jar at FMSP’s table to help pay for the non-donated food.

RSVP or tell us what you’ll bring by linking to Evite for more details. Please bring your dish around 5:30 PM.

If you’ll help us setup, take down, coordinate food, grill, or with other chores, email our picnic coordinator Chantale.

Please bring blankets or chairs for concert viewing and please consider bug repellent. The more the merrier, so bring your friends & family, and please share this invitation!

Last year’s picnic concerts drew over 300 people. Join us at the gazebo for a great summer evening of music, conversation, food, and dancing.

To keep current with our concerts …
Like us on,
and check out our blog site at

Music at Marshall starts its 8th Season on June 21, 2018 Sun, 03 Jun 2018 21:39:34 +0000  

On June 21, 2018, we hope you plan to join your friends and neighbors for good food and music.

Speaking of good food, could you help us at the grill for about 40 minutes? Feeding the masses is rewarding and greatly appreciated!

If you can help,
please email our picnic coordinator, Chantale.

Must be 18 or older. No experience required. This is a good entry-level opportunity.  😉

A free Concert with a Band, a Face Painter, Gelato, and a potluck picnic! What’s not to like? Always the third Thursdays of June [21], July [19], and August [16].

We thank our SPONSORS for making this event possible …

Main Event
Southdown Homes

Brandywine Valley Heating & Air Conditioning
First Resource Bank
Hazley Builders

DL Howell and Associates
HowellKline Surveying, LLC
RC Construction
Michael South
Stillman Volvo

All the Dogs

Face Painter
Pietro’s Prime Steakhouse & Seafood


The Bands

Vince Brown Band (June)

Tom Craig Band

Sin Brothers


Get your face painted, then have dessert

Grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, and picnic tables await your contribution. Choose to bring apps, sides, desserts, drinks, or donate $10 per adult to the jar at FMSP’s table to help pay for the non-donated food.

RSVP or tell us what you’ll bring by linking to Evite for more details. Please bring your dish around 6 PM.

If you will help us setup, take down, coordinate food, grill, or with other chores, please email our picnic coordinator Chantale.

Please bring blankets or chairs for concert viewing and please consider bug repellent. The more the merrier, so bring your friends & family, and please share this invitation!

Last year’s picnic concerts drew over 300 people. Join us at the gazebo for a great summer evening of music, conversation, food, and dancing.

To keep up-to-date with our concerts, like us at
And don’t forget our blogsite,

August Music at Marshall • Thursday, August 17, 2017 Mon, 14 Aug 2017 15:14:39 +0000 Picnic Concert series

Always the third Thursdays of June, July, and August.

Music at Marshall  Picnic Concert
The LAST of the 2017 Series

Click here for our Evite Invitation to RSVP and
tell us what you’ll add to our potluck

The third and final concert for 2017 features…
Music by Sin Brothers
BirlGirl Designs, Face Painters

Gemelli Gelato from their new truck!
FMSP’s Popular Potluck Picnic

Please bring blankets or chairs for concert viewing and consider bug repellent.

The more the merrier, so bring your friends & family, and
please share this invitation!

Special thanks to Music at Marshall’s

Chestnut Square Website

Our Thanks to Music at Marshall’s

For postponement due to weather, check our Facebook page.
To stay up-to-date with our concerts, like us on
And don’t forget to Follow our blog,
Summer Picnic Concert Series Committee,
Marshall at Marshall Committee
Copyright © 2017 Friends of Marshall Square Park. All rights reserved.
Contact email: [email protected]
You are receiving this message because you opted in at
July Music at Marshall • Thursday, July 20, 2017 Thu, 13 Jul 2017 06:59:05 +0000 Picnic Concert series

Always the third Thursdays of June, July, and August.

A free Concert, a Face Painter, a Potluck Picnic, friends, and neighbors!
What’s not to like? Join us — Thursday, July 20, 2017, 6:00 PM.
Last month’s picnic concert drew over 300 people.
Join us at the gazebo for a great evening of music, food, and conversation.

The second concert features…
Music by Swamp Ash Band
BirlGirl Designs, Face Painters

Gemelli Gelato from their new truck!
FMSP’s Popular Potluck Picnic

  • Grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, and picnic tables await YOUR contribution. Bring apps, sides, desserts, drinks, or donate $10 per person to the jar at FMSP’s table to help pay for the non-donated food.
  • RSVP and/or link to Sign Up Genius to tell us what you’ll bring about 6 PM.
  • If you will help us setup, take down, coordinate food, grill, or with other chores, please email our picnic coordinator at email Friends of Marshall Square Park
  • Please bring blankets or chairs for concert viewing and consider bug repellent.

    The more the merrier, so bring your friends & family, and
    please share this invitation!

    Special thanks to Music at Marshall’s

    Chestnut Square Logo
    Chestnut Square Website

Our Thanks to Music at Marshall’s

       Thrivent Financial Website

Michael South & Robin DeRogatis

For postponement due to weather, check our Facebook page.
To stay up-to-date with our concerts, like us on
And don’t forget to Follow our blog,
Summer Picnic Concert Series Committee,
Marshall-at-Marshall Committee
Copyright © 2017 Friends of Marshall Square Park. All rights reserved.
Contact email: [email protected]
You are receiving this message because you opted in at
Seventh Annual Music at Marshall begins 6/15/2017 Sun, 28 May 2017 03:07:52 +0000 A free Concert by the Sin Brothers, a Face Painter, a potluck picnic, and the famous Dia Doce Gourmet Cupcakes truck!  What’s not to like? Join us today—Thursday, June 16, 6:30 PM. Dia Doce is donating part of all cupcake sales to Friends of Marshall Square Park. They’re delicious—buy one. Hey, Sunday is Father’s Day—buy […]


Music at Marshall  Picnic Concert series returns — always on the third Thursdays of June, July, and August.

A free Concert, a Face Painter, a Potluck Picnic, Gelato, friends, and neighbors!
What’s not to like? Join us — Thursday, June 15, 2017, 6:30 PM.

The first concert features…

Screen Shot 2017-05-27 at 7.02.33 PM

Last year’s picnic concerts drew over 300 people. Join us at the gazebo for a great summer evening of music, food, conversation, and dancing.
