Webmaster – Friends of Marshall Square Park https://marshallsquarepark.org Thu, 17 Jun 2021 07:00:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://marshallsquarepark.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/cropped-FMSP-New-Logo-32x32.gif Webmaster – Friends of Marshall Square Park https://marshallsquarepark.org 32 32 208078127 The Season’s Last… https://marshallsquarepark.org/music-at-marshall-concerts-are-back/ Thu, 17 Jun 2021 07:00:29 +0000 https://marshallsquarepark.org/music-at-marshall-concerts-are-back/

The pandemic cancelled our 2020 concerts, but now it’s time to enjoy music together again in our beautiful park. While we won’t have our usual picnic table, there will be food trucks and you are welcome to bring your own food & drink.

Three of our favorite bands are as eager to be back as we are to have them!

Give them a warm, welcoming hand ????

Sin Brothers • July 1, 2021

John Grecia Band • July 22, 2021

Dirk Quinn Band • August 12, 2021

All three events are on Thursdays at 6:30PM.
Rain Dates are July 8, July 29, and
August 19

To keep up to date with our concerts, like us at facebook.com/MusicMarshall.

???? OUR WEBMASTER HAS RETIRED after 15 years documenting FMSP’s plans, successes, and showcasing photographers’ beautiful park photos. Anyone want to pick up where she left off? Please email [email protected]

We are very grateful to our Sponsors
whose contributions make these events possible.






A Tree Falls in Fountain! https://marshallsquarepark.org/a-tree-falls-in-fountain/ Sat, 30 May 2020 20:41:43 +0000 https://marshallsquarepark.org/a-tree-falls-in-fountain/

On 5/20/20, a very large limb from a Pin Oak came down in MSP’s fountain area. The fountain itself looks okay; but it’s still off, so cross your fingers. Its top is broken, the bottom tier lost a chunk, the iron fence is damaged, and Lane and Jim’s bench is destroyed.

A Borough crew fired up its giant cherry picker and found that the fallen limb had exposed a rotten trunk. For safety, the crew fell the severely compromised oak, which opened a ???? view of East Marshall Street.

If there are silver linings, the droppings from that tree were causing severe clogging; and the fountain escaped disaster by what seems to be inches!


“What a beautiful park!” with FRIENDS https://marshallsquarepark.org/what-a-beautiful-park-with-friends/ Sat, 18 Apr 2020 07:00:56 +0000 https://marshallsquarepark.org/what-a-beautiful-park-with-friends/ Today, April 16, 2020, I woke up to a bright and sunny morning, although unseasonably cold. The daffodils across the street in the Park are especially vivid these days.

When I ventured out around 10 a.m. to pick the newspaper up off the sidewalk, a car stopped. I looked up, expecting to be asked directions to somewhere. A man gave me a great big smile and said, quite joyfully, “What a beautiful park!” He went on to say he had been out at ChesLen Preserve in Coatesville, and someone told him about the Park!

He remarked about the FRIENDS sign, and I filled him in a little about the tree sculpture, and how calling it FRIENDS is so appropriate for a number of reasons, including the fact that West Chester was started by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and the organization that raises money to improve and maintain the Park is called Friends of Marshall Square Park.

Before he went off, I found out he is from the Malvern area, and he said he has lived there for 30 years and never knew about the Park!

So nice that the word is getting out and all of the time and money invested is giving such enjoyment, and not only to West Chester residents.

~ Linda

[Linda is the FMSP Treasurer]


30 Days to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 https://marshallsquarepark.org/30-days-to-slow-the-spread-3/ Sun, 05 Apr 2020 18:30:12 +0000 https://marshallsquarepark.org/30-days-to-slow-the-spread-3/
  1. Work or engage in schooling FROM HOME
  2. Critical Work is defined by the Dept. of Homeland Security
  3. Keep at least 6’ from others. Avoid Social Gatherings over 10 people
  4. Avoid eating and drinking at restaurants, bars, and food courts. Use Drive-Thru, Pickup, Delivery, or Cook meals at home
  5. Avoid discretionary Travel, Shopping trips, and Social Visits
  6. Do not visit nursing/retirement/long-term Care Facilities


  1. Wash your Hands for 20 seconds before eating, after touching people (don’t do that), and frequently-used items and surfaces
  2. Disinfect frequently-used items and surfaces as much as possible
  3. Avoid touching your face
  4. Sneeze or cough into a tissue or the inside of your elbow
  5. Wear a Cloth Face Cover



14th Progressive Dinner Review https://marshallsquarepark.org/14th-progressive-dinner-review/ Wed, 05 Feb 2020 21:57:00 +0000 https://marshallsquarepark.org/14th-progressive-dinner-review/

14th Progressive Dinner Review

FMSP is delighted by the outstanding success of this year’s Progressive Dinner.

We sincerely thank all those who participated!

By the numbers: At our 14th dinner, in 6 neighborhood homes, 12 generous hosts treated 85 guests to a delicious 3-course dinner!

Our hosts this year were Marion & Jeff White, Karen & Bruce Cavin, Susanne Rosenberg & David Neiblum, Jackie & Paul Cody, Mary Kay & Bob McCann, Rebecca & Isaac Howell.

Besides raising funds to improve our beautiful park, this is a great opportunity to meet neighbors and newcomers to the area, reconnect with old friends, and make new ones.

If you missed it this year, mark your calendar now for Saturday, February 6, 2021, the FMSP 15th Annual Progressive Dinner.

Later this year, come to our Music at Marshall picnic concerts on the third Thursdays of June, July, and August.

AND … Reserve September 26, 2020, for our second annual fundraiser, the FMSP Fall Block Party. We have a great location lined up and hope to see you there!

See our other Annual Events.

FMSP Events Committee


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14th Annual PROGRESSIVE DINNER https://marshallsquarepark.org/6225-2/ Wed, 29 Jan 2020 22:13:19 +0000 https://marshallsquarepark.org/6225-2/

It’s Our 14th Annual

Saturday  •  February 1, 2020  •  6 to 10 p.m.

Six spectacular homes in our N. Walnut Street neighborhood
are hosting this year’s Three-Course Dinner
Members • $75 per person
Guests and Non-Members • $80 per person
A few days before the event, we email your starting house location.
Please let us know if you wish to be paired with anyone at
the first two stops. Remember …
we all come together at the dessert stop!

Check out Progressive Dinners 1 through 13!

Have Questions? Want more information?
FMSP Event Committee

Fall Block Party Photos https://marshallsquarepark.org/fall-block-party-photos/ https://marshallsquarepark.org/fall-block-party-photos/#comments Sun, 29 Sep 2019 20:13:13 +0000 https://marshallsquarepark.org/fall-block-party-photos/ Fall Block Party Event Committee:

Suzy Sabo, Betsy Woodrow, Carol Ann Polito, Ronnie Balassone, Lee Miller, Holly Brown

Great party!  Dropbox Photo Album


Plan ahead for our most popular event, the

14th Annual Progressive Dinner
Saturday, February 1, 2020.

https://marshallsquarepark.org/fall-block-party-photos/feed/ 2 6059
You’re Invited to the Annual … https://marshallsquarepark.org/fall-starts-september-23-so-everyone/ Tue, 03 Sep 2019 07:40:10 +0000 https://marshallsquarepark.org/fall-starts-september-23-so-everyone/
Friends of Marshall Square Park



September 28, 2019
5 to 8PM

(Rain Date, Sunday September 29)

East Lafayette Street 
between N. Matlack & N. Walnut


Dinner by Mizuna Catering
Local Beer
Wines selected by
Eric Miller, Winemaker

RSVP by Wednesday, September 25
FMSP Member $60 • Nonmember $65 • Guest $65

or at marshallsquarepark.org

For checks, make payable to Friends of Marshall Square Park and drop off or mail to
(Please include phone & email)


At last, a lemonade stand as summer winds down https://marshallsquarepark.org/at-last-a-lemonade-stand-as-summer-winds-down/ Mon, 02 Sep 2019 05:59:27 +0000 https://marshallsquarepark.org/at-last-a-lemonade-stand-as-summer-winds-down/
Music at Marshall • Last Concert of 2019 • Thursday, August 15 https://marshallsquarepark.org/music-at-marshall-last-concert-of-2019-thursday-august-15/ Tue, 13 Aug 2019 07:29:24 +0000 https://marshallsquarepark.org/music-at-marshall-last-concert-of-2019-thursday-august-15/

The Tom Craig Band is sponsored Thursday, 8/15, by Meridian Bank, the firm of Unruh Turner Burke & Frees PC Attorneys At Law, and R.C. Construction Services. The potluck picnic starts at 6PM and the music at 6:30. Thank you to all of our sponsors!

RSVP using the Evite Invitation and pick a dish to bring to our popular potluck picnic. We supply the tables, the grill, plates and napkins, hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings and water. See “What to Bring” on the Invitation, and let us know what you are bringing.

If you prefer not to bring a dish, you can participate in the picnic for just a $10 per family cash contribution, payable at FMSP’s donation jar.

To help with setup/teardown or other chores, please email our picnic coordinator at friendsofmarshallsquarepark@gmail.com.

To keep up to date with our concerts, like us at facebook.com/MusicMarshall.

And don’t forget our website, marshallsquarepark.org, for an in-depth look at Marshall Square Park and FMSP’s plans and successes.

