Comments on: FMSP Fall 2012 Garden/Block Party Wed, 26 Sep 2012 03:30:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: eric miller Wed, 26 Sep 2012 03:30:27 +0000 I looked down that dusky lane, the tall old trees leaning, the white table cloths, the crisp first smell and feel of autumn, murmuring leaves, murmuring voices. All friends, all there, maybe all there to fund something we all love, the park, maybe just there because we all were. I think we might forget it by the time we go to bed if you didn’t remind us how lucky we are. Thank you!

By: Holly Brown Tue, 25 Sep 2012 21:28:45 +0000 Thank you so much for a great event!! I just couldn’t get over how beautiful everything was and what a great atmosphere it was for an end-of-summer party. And all for a great cause, the restoration of our fountain. Thank you Ronnie, Kirby, Betsy, and Gordon.

And Mary Kay McCann’s idea of donating the leftover food to St. Agnes Church is great!! So now there are other people who will benefit and the leftovers won’t go to waste.

I am so happy that I live in such a great neighborhood!!

