Tree Identification & Labeling – Friends of Marshall Square Park Mon, 13 May 2019 02:37:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tree Identification & Labeling – Friends of Marshall Square Park 32 32 208078127 We have a Champion! Mon, 13 May 2019 02:37:30 +0000

It’s official!  Marshall Square Park has a Pennsylvania Champion Tree, a Blue Ash (Fraxinus, quadrangulata). Of this relatively rare species, our specimen is over 90 feet tall.

The Blue Ash, mostly native to western Ohio, is so named because early pioneers extracted a blue dye from its inner bark.

Champion trees are measured and scored by experts as the largest of their species in our state. A Longwood Gardens team measured our tree.

To see it, go to the park’s Matlack side, go down the Lafayette Street stairs and turn right. The Blue Ash is the first large tree in front of you. Look for the scaly bark, an identifying characteristic.

Beware: Our champion wears lightening protection (don’t touch).


The featured photo above this one is a panorama, stitched together from four frames, exaggerating the bend in the trunk. Nonetheless, the trunk does bend toward Matlack Street. (This photo isn’t panoramic.)

A Walk in the Trees Tue, 21 Jul 2015 23:04:41 +0000
Trees at Monument in Marshall Square Park 4/26/2014
Trees at the Monument in Marshall Square Park 4/26/2014 • Click to enlarge—breathtaking!
How did it go? Might there be a sequel?

Thanks for the note. We missed you, but the walk was wonderful.

We got to see our Kentucky Coffee tree! — Number 28 on Tree Location Map PDF below.

Was reminded of the significance of different leaf formations. Finally learned what those little red booties are that appear under the magnolias this time of year. In some ways, it was like a refresher of high school and college biology classes.

Ken (LeRoy) was absolutely charming; his enthusiasm for the park made everything ALIVE …and so fortunate for we who have it.

Not sure if Ken will come back, but there are others with other points of view that we should encourage to teach us about what we have!

Marshall Square Park Tree Location Map • June 27, 2012

TREE IDENTIFICATION AND LABELING Mon, 26 Mar 2012 23:12:43 +0000 Read about and LOOK IN THE PARK FOR our newest project:
