Annual Park Cleanup – Friends of Marshall Square Park Mon, 25 Apr 2022 18:38:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Annual Park Cleanup – Friends of Marshall Square Park 32 32 208078127 A Big Thank You to Our Volunteers for our Annual Marshall Square Park Cleanup on Saturday, April 23rd Mon, 25 Apr 2022 18:36:13 +0000 More than 30 community volunteers, from the Rotary Club of West Chester, Moody’s Analytics, and the Friends of Marshall Square Park came out for our annual Earth Day Weekend Cleanup!

Two crews were loosely assembled, one working on the Northwest corner of the park (near the recently started construction site of additional playground equipment!) and one near the Southeast corner and the ‘Swiss Cottage’.

The 3 main projects were to:

  • pick up the numerous downed sticks and branches (several of the kids were especially good at this!)
  • rake up a few heavy areas of leaves and seedpods, including the brick drainage swales, and
  • spread 40 yards of borough-provided wood chip mulch around the base of all the park trees. (Thank you to the borough for providing and delivering the wood chips!)

The Friends of Marshall Square Park have a few wheelbarrows and several mulching and leaf rakes.  A half dozen wheelbarrows were rented and a few volunteers brought their own!

FMSP provided coffee, donuts, and water which arrived at 9:30 at the gazebo – just in time for the first break – plus cookies were generously sent over from the Hickman House!

Thank you all for the efforts to spruce up our great park, and see you soon!  

Roger Lacy and Eric Miller, FSMP co-chairs
